Years ago while working at Shane Co., we started an employee encouragement with the motto "Be Here Now". At the time this meant be at work while you are at work, check the home life at the door. Be with the customer that was right in front of you, don't worry about the tasks that you could be doing. Be present in whatever you are currently doing. My manager at the time gave the example of being on the phone with her parents, and while she was having a conversation she was also checking her email, watching tv, and trying to carry on a conversation. (Now for many of us this may sound like daily life, doing a million things at once.) She then continued to her story explaining that once they rolled out the motto of "Be Here Now", she really tried to be more attentive to whatever task was in front of her. She actually had conversation with her family, her emails were actually understood, and everyone in her life felt more engaged with her. Little did I know wh...