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Showing posts from February, 2016

To The Family

Well we tried again, we put another offer on a house. This house met 90% of our  dream list,  and the pieces that are missing are made up by the dream neighborhood. We arrived early for the open house, and spent some time walking around the quaint little neighborhood. We wondered down to the pond with Chuck, and imagined spending our Sundays doing the same thing. We watched as children rode their bikes, scooters, and pogo sticks (yes pogo sticks) up and down the street.  As we walked through the quaint home we imagined what it would be like to host our families on Thanksgiving in the open kitchen. We spent time in the master bedroom looking at ways we can expand the master bathroom so that it is accessible, and ideal for our life. We looked at the backyard, and figured out how we would add to the deck for ideal summer fun. We looked at the room next to what would be our room, and decided it would be the perfect nursery when our time comes. As we wrapped u...

So Let's Just Compare

Living in Denver is a huge blessing, and we absolutely love it. We have a great group of friends, I have a wonderful career, Kaleb is pursuing the school of his dreams, and our church is where we know God has called us. All of these things make living in Denver a huge blessing, and a place that we love calling home.  That being said Denver is EXPENSIVE... for lack of better words. The housing market is rocking, and finding a place to call home is a little bit of a struggle. It's stressful, exhausting, and sometimes a bit heartbreaking. All emotions that I would really prefer not to feel.  Tuesday night we put an offer on our first dream home. I loved it, Kaleb was obsessed, and it was a place that we were ready to call home. We offered $15,000 over asking, and tried to be as competitive as possible. We prayed, and asked for guidance over the next couple of days. Wednesday night we got the call from our perfect realtor letting us know that unfortunately ...

Looking For A Place to Hang Our Hats

Philippians 4:6-7 6  Do not be anxious about anything,  but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.   7  And the peace of God,  which transcends all understanding,  will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Life is filled with being busy!  You are either busy at home, busy with work, or both!  Life is filled with being busy!  For the Wilsons we have decided to see how busy we can be at this particular season in life. Kaleb is busy pursing his degree in Petroleum Engineer, which most of the time sounds like a foreign language.  I am busy with pursuing the title of "Rookie of the Year" at work, which leads to many stressful nights. And yet with all of this wonderful busyness we have also decided to throw a few more curve balls into the ball pin.  As of this past weekend we are officially on the hunt for our...