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March 30th

The last two months of our lives have been a complete whirlwind of emotion, stress, and utter joy! 

On March 19th we were able to endure our first IUI, where I laid very similar to Phoebe in Friend's and prayed with my husband that this would be our first and last IUI. We went in with hopeful heart's and praying minds, and knew the lord had a plan. The following weekend we went on vacation to San Diego where I unfortunately began  to believe that our IUI had not worked, and that we were not pregnant. I experienced cramps, was grumpy to my poor family, and walked around feeling like Shamu on the beach. So obviously I wasn't pregnant, right...

Fast forward to March 30th, two days before I was technically supposed to test. It was a Wednesday night, a Wednesday night where I  obsessively thought about nothing else but that I wasn't pregnant. I did what any mildly obsessed woman going though infertily treatments would do, and tested. I jumped in the bath and pretended that I wasn't counting down seconds until I would know our results.  Then it happened, the word showed up that I thought I would never see, the word PREGNANT. My heart immediately filled with love, joy, and fear, all of a sudden the one thing I wanted more than anything was finally happening and all I wanted was to hold onto that feeling. 


I ran into the living room where Kaleb was working on homework and did the only thing I could think of doing, I tossed the test to him. He sat in the dark living room with light reflecting only off of his computer and our tv, he sat trying to read that one little word. It clicked, the tears started. These were very similar to the tears that I have only seen once before, the tears he shed as I walked down the aisle. 

We rejoiced together and then immediately started praying for this sweet little bean.

As soon as we received the second results from our blood test confirming that the HCG levels were increasing and that in that moment our pregnancy was viable we knew we wanted to announce to our parents. I had a million incredible ideas on how to tell our parents that were going to become grandparents, but I also was beginning to burst at the seams if they didn't know soon. So I had to think quick and settle on sending them flowers. 
"Baby Wilson Due December 2016!
But Shh don't tell anyone my Mom and Dad want to keep it a secret!"
March 31st 

After seeing our little Minion for the first time we felt confident in telling our closest friends and family. We knew that the more people loving on us, praying for us, and supporting us was exactly what we needed. This baby is the answer to so many prayers and we wanted it to be shouted from the rooftops. 
April 22nd

We announced on Facebook at seven weeks for the very same reason. This is God's blessing and we wanted everyone to know. I am obviously very transparent with every aspect of our lives because I feel that God has given us these trial for his glory and to grow to him. 

April 24th

On May 6th we have officially graduated from Conceptions Colorado! We began our journey with this wonderful practice in August of 2015 after facing a year of infertility. While we have been very blessed with a shorter journey than many others, it was a journey none the less. We saw our little Martian once again today, he continues to grow by leaps and bounds. He is measuring four days ahead of schedule and has a nice strong heartbeat of 169. We saw his little spine developing, and his little arm and leg nubs. We have been so blessed by this journey, and ask that you continue to pray with us through it.


On June 2nd we saw are sweet little baby growing like a bean and celebrating our twelve week mark. We had our first appointment with our Doctor, were able to meet the staff, and began talking about what the next couple of months look like. 


The last couple of months have been the most incredible, stressful, and joyful months of our lives and we cannot wait to see what comes next. 


1 Samuel 1:27-28New International Version (NIV)

27 I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him. 28 So now I give him to the Lord. For his whole life he will be given over to the Lord.” And he worshiped the Lord there.

