My Sweet Princess, One month, how did that happen? There's a Winnie The Pooh quote that states "Oh no, please. Can't we just go back to page one and start all over again?", and sweet baby that is exactly how I feel. Oh how I would love to go back to day one and meet you all over again, and yet I cannot wait to see who you become. You currently look just like your daddy, especially with your beautiful almond shaped eyes. Your hair is a light brown, but I believe everyone still has their fingers crossed that you will end up with red hair like your daddy (though I would be okay with a brown haired little girl). Your eyes my sweet girl are blue, I believe they are my eyes (but who knows). Your eyes have changed from sleepy eyes that look like they are looking through you to these big blue eyes that are filled with wonder. My favorite moments are when you are lying on my chest and you turn and look up at me. In those moments I feel like you k...