My Sweet Princess,
One month, how did that happen? There's a Winnie The Pooh quote that states "Oh no, please. Can't we just go back to page one and start all over again?", and sweet baby that is exactly how I feel. Oh how I would love to go back to day one and meet you all over again, and yet I cannot wait to see who you become.
You currently look just like your daddy, especially with your beautiful almond shaped eyes. Your hair is a light brown, but I believe everyone still has their fingers crossed that you will end up with red hair like your daddy (though I would be okay with a brown haired little girl). Your eyes my sweet girl are blue, I believe they are my eyes (but who knows). Your eyes have changed from sleepy eyes that look like they are looking through you to these big blue eyes that are filled with wonder. My favorite moments are when you are lying on my chest and you turn and look up at me. In those moments I feel like you know exactly who I am, and with those big eyes you are telling me you love me too. I love to look over while lying in bed and see you cuddling with your daddy. In fact you love to be cuddled by daddy, especially when you are upset. You don't really love being washed, except for your baby locks. You love having your head rubbed and rinsed out. You haven't taken a bath in your tub, but have taken a bath with mom. Because of mom's c section we had to do sponge baths up until Monday, December 19th and then you took a bath with mom. You are growing slowly but surely and at your one month appointment you weighed 7 lbs 4 oz, you are just my littlest little. You are still fit perfectly in newborn clothese, in fact most of them are still much to big for you. Which is perfectly okay because mom keeps buying you more clothes that you will probably grow out of to fast. You haven't actually smiled, but you have smirked in your sleep or a few times just to yourself. These little smirks make me so excited to see your smile responses to our voices and our lives, because there will be plenty of reasons to smile your way through life. You have been visited by grandmas and grandpas, cousins, and friends, and princess let me tell you, you are loved!
As I said in the beginning, I would love to go back to day one and meet you all over again. You have changed our world, and I cannot wait to see who you become. You are seem to be filled with wonderment and I can't wait to see where that takes you. You are already so hard headed (wonder where you got that... me) which I love because I know it will take you far. You are a daughter of the king and I pray you never forget that. You are perfect in every way and I adore you. Thank you for being mine!
Eloise's Growth
- November 19th - Birth Day
- 6lbs 1 oz, 20 1/4 inches
- November 20th
- 5lb 10 oz, 20 1/4 inches
- November 26th
- 5lb 14 oz, 20 1/4 inches
- November 29th
- 6lbs, 20 1/4 inches
- December 6th
- 6lbs 8 oz 20 1/4 inches
- December 20th - One Month!
- 7 lbs 4 oz, 20 1/2 inches
- For the first two weeks of your life you battled a bit of jaundice which kept us at the doctor's every other day. After December 6th you were cleared of your jaundice and were finally putting on weight. You weren't gaining weight very quickly, but your doctors are okay with that. Other than that you are perfect my princess.
Thank you Eloise Jeanne for the best month of my life, I look forward to growing with you!
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