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Four Months

My Sweet Eloise Jeanne, 

You are becoming less and less little baby and more and more little girl. Your eyes show so much emotion, they smile long before your mouth does. You take the world in, observing everything that goes on around you. I want to so badly keep you in this home sheltered from the great big world, but I know that someday you will be on your own figuring things out as you go. So for now I will cuddle you, love on you, and pray over you. You are everything imagined you would be and so much more. It has only been four months with you, and yet I feel like you have been with me forever. I love every second with you; even the moments that I am knee deep in a blow out or covered in your spit up because I know they are moments that will go by to fast. 

You are a busy little girl and month four was no different! GG came to visit and so did grandma and grandpa, they all love watching you grow and learn! You love being cuddled by GG and read to by grandma and grandpa. We went to Albuquerque to visit Yaya and Papa and celebrate Brandee's birthday. You do great in the car for six hours, that seventh hour is pushing it. While in Albuquerque you met so many more family members that love you and loved meeting you! Both your Mom and Dad come from large families and introducing you to them and watching you make memories with them is one of my favorite things. You have Yaya and papa's hearts in your hand and you love being with them, which sometimes makes the distance a little hard. You went to mom's church for the first time and met so many of the women who have guided and shaped mom into the woman she is today. You even let a few of them hold you, which these days is a rarity. It was wonderful being in Albuquerque with you little lady, I have a feeling you are going to enjoy it. You turned 100 days old, it is hard to believe that we have already had 100 wake ups with you. You celebrated your first St. Patrick's Day, which you of course wore green for, mom and dad snuck away to see Beaty and the Beast! 

You learned what your fingers are this month and now they rarely leave your mouth. You have yet to actually laugh, but you love to squeal which is just as wonderful. You hate tummy time but you enjoy playing on your back and reaching for your toys. You have become quite bashful, and cuddle your head into momma's chest anytime anyone acknowledges you. You love being read to, sometimes a good story time is all you need to calm down. You hold your head up so well and love sit and stand as well. You still love to be cuddled and swaddled to sleep, speaking of sleep you slept through the night on Sunday March 12th! Momma is very happy about that!!! You are finally growing into 0 to 3 month clothing, and recently moved up to size one diapers. You are just a sweet little girl. Lastly on your 4 month birthday YOU ROLLED OVER! You are an incredibly sweet and gentle baby, I love watching you learn!

Eloise's Growth Chart

  • March 20th — four months 
    • 11 lbs 3 oz, 23 1/4 inches
