Two months, I still am not sure how I have already been called Mama by this beautiful little girl for two months but I have. And after two months, or 61 days I will admit I have learned a few things in this short time that I would love to share with those other mamas out there.
• Don't be afraid of the bottle.
For us Eloise was introduced to the bottle when we were in the hospital because she was three weeks early and a c section my milk was a little delayed so she was fed a little off of me and then given donor milk. She had a hard time staying awake for a whole feeding so donor milk allowed her to be bottle. Anyways we continued to give her my pumped milk in a bottle nearly once a day so that Kaleb could participate in the bonding experience.
So my adivice to you new moms out there is don't be afraid to allow the bottle in your life, dad will love the opportunity to participate!
•Sleep when they sleep.
Everyone will tell you this, but it is so hard to actually do it. Make yourself do it and do it without feeling guilty. I am still not great at this and was even worse when Eloise was first born, but I will recommend it to any mom out there!
• It's okay that you don't have the books memorized.
I cannot tell you how many times I have beaten myself up for not having the books memorized. I read them, still refer to them when I need to, but do not have them memorized. Motherhood, at least for me, is a whole lot more flying by the seat of your pants and less by the book.
• Last piece of advice for now...
I have heard you cannot spoil a baby, but even if you can I do not care, cuddle them often. They are only this little for a small time; hold them, smell them, keep them close, because before you know it they will be out of your arms and on the move.
I cannot tell you how many times I have planned on starting the laundry, cleaning the kitchen, or even writing in her baby book and yet I sit and hold her. I would rede the laundry for my time with her any day!
What advice do you have for me as a new mom, or what advice have you been givin? I would love to hear abut it!
Girly the only advice I have you honey is ride each wave. Some are high and some are low but roll with each one and love each day. Dishes and laundry can wait. Bathes and cuddles, cute smiles and giggles, first roll, crawl, steps and words are all more important then a dirty cup or 5 in the sink. She is beautiful btw!
ReplyDeleteGreat post!! I love reading your blog... Keep it up, you are a talented writer! So for advice... Hmmm... I have gathered a few ideas in 14 years!! Lol... But #1 Let the fruit of the spirit be your litmus test... Does it bring love, peace, patience, joy, gentleness, faithfulness or self-control? Then do it... If not, let that well meaning "advice" or article or book or Doctor go! There are so many ways to do parenting but I have found that the fruit of the Spirit has never let me down. And soon enough she will understand it too... And that is magic!! Xoxoxo Amy