You are two perfect months old and I am lost in a world of love with you. You are the best teacher I have ever had. You have taught me that life must be flexible. That the best moments are far from planned. That in order to love you more I must first love myself. That being covered in your poo after changing a blow out is not a tragedy but a beautiful moment of motherhood. You have shown me what unconditional love is and have allowed me to feel unconditional love. I love learning motherhood with you as my sidekick.

Month two was a very busy month with so many firsts for you. You celebrated your first Christmas spent here at your first home. You spent it with your mama and daddy as well as both sets of grandparents your Aunt Katie and Uncle Cody even made the trip to spend the time with you. You had your first visit from Santa who brought you a beautiful jewelry box, while momma and daddy gave you a gold elephant snow globe. You also welcomed in your first New Years as we rang in 2017 here at home with the Martinellis. I woke you up at midnight in order to steal a kiss from you! You had your first road trip when we drove all the way down to Albuquerque to celebrate your GG's birthday. You met so many of your cousins, aunts, uncles, and friends while we were home. You are so loved my sweet baby and being able to introduce you to those that love you was such a joy for me. Your biggest first happened on January 12th when you gave me your very first smile.

Your smiles are filled with so much joy and are ear to ear. As your mommy I have caught myself singing and saying ridiculous things just to get you to smile, you normally just stare at me but when you do smile my heart melts. You also squeal which I'm pretty sure is your laugh. You are in your best mood after your morning feedings when you are just laying on the bed or looking up at me and dad. You are losing your baby hair and we cannot wait to see what color it grows back as. Evenings are a little fussy but while I sit and cuddle you dad makes sure to keep things moving here at the house. Your favorite things are being snuggled, bath times, and being cuddled again. Your least favorite things are getting dressed and being away from mom.

You are constantly changing and growing, I cannot wait to see who you become but love enjoying every new day with you.
I love you Eloise Jeanne, thank you for allowing me to be your mommy.
Eloise's Growth Chart
- January 19th - two months
- 9lbs 3 oz, 21 inches
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