My Sweet Maggoo,
How is it that we are on the backside of your first year? It seems like yesterday we were sitting in anticipation of meeting your tiny little soul and yet here we are seven months in. I think back to the day you were born after days of labor and how though we were exhausted we could not sleep. I didn't want to close my eyes for a second in fear of missing something you would do. I could stare at you in awe that thing I prayed so desperately for was laying on my chest in the shape of the most perfect little girl. Seven months later I still hold you on my chest or sit and watch you sleep in awe that you are real. It is as though I am living in a dream where all my hopes and prayers have come true. Seeing you discover new things, accomplish milestones, and become you is just perfect. You have the best little personality and this month it has began to shine through. You are no longer my sweet tiny cuddly baby, but this little baby who is ready to go! You want to do things, reach things, accomplish things. You are strong willed and my little Maggoo you are going to accomplish such wonderful things.
As list of first go we hit a few more. We went to the zoo for the first time, you slept through it. You went to your first Colorado Rapids game, you ate a yellow card. You went to your first national park as we drove through the Rocky Mountain National Park, you slept. We celebrated our first anniversary with you, now that was a treat! We took your six month photos, which mommy is absolutely captivated by.
Every month is filled with such wonderful memories and we have you to thank! You have made us slow down and enjoy the time we have together, because time is moving way to fast!
I love you my sweet Maggoo!
Eloise's Growth Chart
- June 19th, seven months
- 12 lbs 4 oz, 25 1/4 inches
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