Happy Half Birthday Ellie Girl,
It is bitter sweet to sit here and write your six month blog post, which is probably why I have put it off. The days are going by faster and faster, and I would do anything to slow them down just a tiny bit. I find myself rubbing your perfect smooth wonderful face trying to memorize exactly what it feels like because I know it will change so soon. I rub your sweet little hair that is finally coming in embracing the gentle feeling of peach fuzz. I take a million pictures because I know these days are short and these moments are priceless. The last six months of our lives have been enchanting with you by our side. Being your mom is more incredible than I could ever imagine. You bring me so much joy, I feel so much pride, you are the best part of me. These six months have been the greatest and you sweet baby are to thank!
This month you have once again been a little busy bee! You learned to roll from back to tummy and now spend most of your time rolling around! You figured out how to splash splash splash in the tub and it makes bath time so much more fun! Your laugh changed from a sweet little chuckle to a high pitch squeal mixed with a chuckle. You smile all the time but it takes a special something to make you laugh. You can almost sit up unassisted but your balance still needs some work! Let's talk about reaching and grabbing; nothing is safe! We fight over mom's coffee cup, mom and dad's food, Dad's beard, and of course your little feet. If you can reach it you can grab it, which means mom's spidy senses have kicked in and I can catch almost everything you grab. You sat in your high chair and played with a teething biscuit, we are waiting until six months for you to actually eat. You held your bottle all by yourself on May 12 and went swimming on May 13th. You loved being in the pool and playing around with mom and dad and a few of your cousins too.
Our first Mother's Day fell on Sunday May 14th and it was perfect! It was a day that I was so excited to celebrate and you and daddy made it perfect! You guys made mom a craft, a beautiful frame with your hand prints and foot prints. Mom was spoiled with candles, t shirts, and a few coffee mugs. Having you in my arms and knowing I am your mom was absolutely perfect! I am blessed beyond measure to have you and your dad!
We did it, we have made it an entire six months exclusively breastfeeding even after facing a few trials. We have struggled off and on with supply issues and when you were three months old we discovered you had a dairy allergy. Through it all we have found solutions and made it! I remember being questionable about breastfeeding before you were born but now I am so glad I did! The bond it has created between you and is irreplaceable, the health benefits are of course the best thing I could do for you, and knowing I have fed you makes me feel accomplished! Here's to six more months Ellie belly!
Happy half birthday Princess Eloise Jeanne, we love you so much!!
Eloise's Growth Chart
- May 19th, six months
- 12 lbs .02 oz, 25 inches
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