Don't be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. ~ 1 Peter 3:3-4
As I sat this morning reading this verse in search of an uplifting and powerful verse about woman, one that would make me feel as though I could take on the world and all I would need is God on my side. Well that was exactly what I found, just not in the the way I thought it would be. I thought my heart would settle upon a verse about how women are as precious as jewels, or Proverbs 31 where the whole chapter is solely about being a Godly woman. But The Lord had other plans, and if I have learned anything in the last couple of months, it is best to listen to him when he is talking.
See I am so very guilty of seeking the approval of the world, through my makeup that must be perfectly done before I leave the house, the clothes that must have a designer name one the back, and the jewelry that must all be real. I don't do these things because I feel the need to compete with others, but because I feel the need to impress myself. I feel that the better dressed I am the more successful I will be become, the better style my hair is the better day I will have, and the bigger the diamond in my ring the better marriage I will have....
Now I beg of you not to get lost in this paragraph, bare with me and it will get better....
See I know none of those things are true and ultimately I know that the closer to God I am the best me I will become. I know that when I sit quietly in peace with him, all of these things will fall into place. But I am human and I am perfectly human but also so so perfectly flawed. So as I searched for a verse to take on the world, but I found a verse to challenge myself. I am going to challenge myself as a Princess of the King, to live my life not for the world but for him. To not worry about the name on my clothes, or the size of my ring. I am going to challenge myself to live a life with a gentle spirit. To not be so critical of others, but instead being absolutely nurturing and loving to everyone. Because ultimately that is what we have been called to do, we have been called to love! Not to love the world, but to love each other as he first loved us. Not to love our clothes, cars, or diamond rings, but to love our personalities, our acts of services, and more importantly our downfalls. We are as beautiful as our ugliest trait, we are only as strong as our biggest weakness, and we only accept the love that feel as though we deserve. So be a beautiful soul, and fall madly in love with the perfect woman GOD MADE YOU TO BE. Believe me, you will be the most beautiful girl at the ball, even if your ball is just the local coffee shop.
“Beauty isn't about having a pretty face it's about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and a pretty soul.”
Brittany Marie
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