ad·just·ment (
1. The act of adjusting or the state of being adjusted.
Well... I wanted a definition with a little more depth, but I guess this will have to do...
We have been married a little more than a month, and as strange as it sounds we have been doing a lot of adjusting. Kaleb and I had lived together for almost a year and a half by the time we got married. We were already learning how to interact in a home together. I had already washed his dirty clothes, he had already forced himself to eat more than one of my not so awesome meals, and I already knew that when he is exhausted he snores.
June 15 came along and on that summer morning I woke up as his wife, and suddenly everything I thought I knew changed. No longer was I washing Kaleb's dirty clothes, I was doing MY HUSBAND'S laundry, and that in it of its self was empowering.
When I speak, I am no longer speaking as Brittany Heronimus, but as Brittany Wilson. It means something, it means that I no longer speak just for myself, but as a representation of my husband. Decisions are no longer made on a "how can this benefit me" basis, but on how will this benefit us.
I have loved him for 5 years of my life and yet the way I love him as a wife runs deeper than I could ever imagine. It was love that makes me honestly feel obsessed with him. I cannot wait to run home after work and spend every minute with him. I refuse to spend nights away from him, and at one point I drove four hours just so I wouldn't have to. It is the most bizarre and amazing feeling I can ever imagine having.
I would love to say that "wife" is just a new word in my vocabulary, but it is not just that. IT IS A NEW STATE OF MIND. It is knowing that this is the man that the lord promised me before I was even a thought in my mother's head. This is who I get to grow old with, laugh until I cry, and cry until I laugh with.
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