Nancy Guthrie says it well: “If your faith is real, you will not fall away. Not because you are strong or because your faith is strong but because God has his firm grip on you and he will not let go. You will remain in him because you are his forever.”
I often think back to my days in college, and oh my goodness do I sometimes wonder how I survived. I was well a wild one. I lived fully and completely in the world and of the world. I tried very hard to avoid my church home, and all the amazing loving members in it. My days were spent feeling ill from the night before's drinking, and my nights were spent trying to see how much alcohol I could ingest. My heart was anything but guarded, and I sought the attention of every man that would say hi to me. It was a dark and lonely time, and yet here I am.
I survived, and have learned so very much from those days. I look back though and realized that even though I turned my back from The Lord, he never turned his back on me. He put godly men and women in my life that I could learn from. He provided people to hold me when I didn't want to be held, and to pray for me when I wanted to run as far away from it as I could. I had spent enough time in the word pre chaos that I 100% knew the difference between good and evil, and knew what I was doing was wrong.
The bible says.
Hebrews 5:11-14
11 About this we have much to say, and it is chard to explain, since you have become dull of hearing. 12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again dthe basic principles of the oracles of God. You need emilk, not solid food, 13 for everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is fa child. 14 But solid food is for gthe mature, for those who have their powers hof discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.
When I look back at the person I was only two years ago I praise The Lord for saving my soul. He is the reason that I sit here today and can worship him in this storm. His hold on me is what keeps me, not my grip on him. He has blessed us with this beautiful book filled with his word, that can help us grow and learn.
This perfect amazing book is our food, and the more time we spend devoted to this book the stronger we become. When we were infants we required milk for our nourishment, and as we grew so did our necessities of food as well. Slowly we developed the capability to eat solids, and for our pallet to develop. Until you reach the point where not only are you eating and growing from your daily nourishment, but you are cooking and sharing with others.
As a Christians we need to be daily in the word, feeding our spiritual growth. We need to not let our relationship with The Lord die because we starved ourself from a relationship with our heavenly father. We need to be growing in community, and to be teaching. We need to know the word so we can stand against sin, and recognize 100% the difference between good and evil. We need to be so in love with The Lord that we want to continue to get to know him through daily time with him and his teachings.
I encourage you to commit more time in the word this week, and I cannot wait to see where it grows you. He has given us the recipe, now we just need to read it.
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