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Rambles: Picking Up The Pieces

So often I see these families who are in the eye of the storm. Their hearts are hurting, they don't know what lies before them. They are having to learn a whole new language. A language where your back is referred to in the form of C's, T's, and L's. A language where transfers, spasms, and returns are used in every other sentence. They are having to take shelter in a building that throws the storm at you on a daily basis. They are having to live with strangers surrounding them at all times. They are scared and alone, and yet never actually alone. 

For those of you who don't know, the name of this storm is called SCI, and it stands for Spinal Cord Injury. The location of this storm is Englewood, Colorado, more specifically Craig Hospital. Our lives were hit with this storm in November of 2012 when my now husband shattered his C6 - T1. 

Our whole world stopped in that moment, when we had no other solution than to take shelter in Denver, Colorado. We left everything we had in either New Orleans or Albuquerque and began the long process of rebuilding.
The eye of the storm was while we were at Craig Hospital, and it lasted for three months. I often think back to those three months and my heart breaks. It was such a low point in our world, we were out of our element and out of options. Our lives were ultimately controlled by the hospital staff, and that was terrifying. 

The storm continued even after we left, it was no longer as devastating but was still there. Kaleb continued his therapy every day for a year and a half. We were still having to learn what was going to be our normal, not that we have figured it out. We were still trying to adapt to the tragedy that had just taken place. 

And now its time, it is time to rebuild and reestablish. The storm has passed, and though we still get some rain every now and then, we are out of the eye. We now get to try and pick up some of the pieces that were left for dead almost two years ago. We are able to help those that are lost in the storm, and reassure them that it will get better. Storms will always come and go, and SCI has forever changed our lives, but God has promised us hope and that is what we cling to. 



  1. Really powerful and inspiring words for those going through the same storm! You both are two wonderfully strong people and together you're even stronger!! Looking forward to what the future brings for you guys :) I know it's going to be great!


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