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How many of you have tried series after series of bible studies, but somewhere along day 20 we forget all about it. I know I myself have done this time and time again, I become disinterested in the series because well its just to long. Well ladies, I believe I have found a solution to this problem. The other day I stumbled upon #SheReadsTruth and fell madly in love. The series last only a few weeks at most, and are incredible. They are not too long, but are very deep. They are interactive with every other woman going through it, and they are just flat out amazing. And I forgot to mention... THEY HAVE AN APP!!! 
So ladies I want to challenge all of you to go through the Hebrews serious listed in the link below with me. Let us dedicate the next 18 days to falling madly in love with the book of Hebrews. Let The Lord speak through this study and move mountains in our lives. Let the next 18 days just rock our world, so that we may continue to grow into the women that The Lord wants us to be. 

Here is the link to day 1 of the new series, so lets get to it! 
